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[React] react-scroll-motion 사용하기

by -제이리 2022. 5. 4.

DEMO https://1000ship.github.io/react-scroll-motion/


# Use npm
npm install react-scroll-motion

# Use yarn
yarn add react-scroll-motion






코드 예시 https://github.com/1000ship/react-scroll-motion/blob/master/_readme/docs.md

import { Animator, ScrollContainer, ScrollPage, batch, Fade, FadeIn, FadeOut, Move, MoveIn, MoveOut, Sticky, StickyIn, StickyOut, Zoom, ZoomIn, ZoomOut } from "react-scroll-motion";

<ScrollContainer snap="mandatory">
  <ScrollPage page={0}>
    <Animator animation={batch(Fade(), Sticky(), MoveOut(0, -200))}>
      <MediumText>Let't me show you scroll animation 😀</MediumText>



- ScrollContainer : 필수로 있어야함
- ScrollContainer 옵션: ('none' | 'mandatory' | 'proximity')
- ScrollContainer의 필수 자식요소로 ScrollPage가 있어야함
- ScrollPage is position: relative; thus, if you want use flexbox, make div in ScrollPage
- ScrollPage has page props for integer
- (Honestly, I don't like this way, is there awesome solution?)
- Animator는 ScrollPage안에 있어야함
- Animator has animation props



Animation Types and Usages

  • Fade( from:number, to:number )
    • from : initial opacity number (0~1), default 0
    • to : final opacity number (0~1), default 1
  • FadeIn( ... ), FadeOut( ... )
    • FadeIn is for only in-animation
    • FadeOut is for only out-animation
    • Also, MoveIn, MoveOut, StickyIn, StickyOut, ZoomIn, ZoomOut is there, and I'll skip writing descriptions about these In/Out
  • Move( dx:number, dy:number, outDx:number, outDy:number )
    • dx : initial x value (unit: px), default 0
    • dy : initial y value (unit: px), default 100
    • outDx : final x value, default null
    • outDy : final y value, default -100
      • If outDx is null, then use dx value rather than outDx, outDy too.
  • Sticky( left:number, top:number )
    • left : value of style.left (unit: %), default 50(%)
    • top : value of style.top (unit: %), default 50(%)
  • Zoom( from:number, to:number )
    • from : initial scale value, default 10
    • to : final scale value, default 1
  • batch( ...animations )



